AS-AUDIT. Audit, consulting, accounting.
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The audit firm AS-AUDIT offers auditing, consulting and accounting. AS-AUDIT runs accounts, keeps tax records, solves the problems of taxation, provides audit services. The audit firm AS-AUDIT dissects financial situations, financial planning and business planning, registers firms.

05.07.2018 Consultation on overdue tax overpayment

Clause 7 of Article 78 of the Tax Code does not allow for ambiguous interpretation: "7. An application for the set-off or the return of the amount of overpaid tax may be filed within three years from the date of payment of this amount, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees."

03.07.2018 Changes in VAT in 2018

In 2018, the VAT declaration is drawn up in accordance with the form approved by Order No. MMV-7-3 / 558 @ of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ÌÌÂ-7-3 / 558 @ as of October 29, 2014 (as amended by Order No. MMV-7-3 / 696 @ of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 20.12.2016).

02.10.2013 Changes in the law on accounting, intermediate accounting, and organizational change in audit

Since 01.09.2013, the organization is obliged to provide interim financial statements of the owners and founders, if this obligation was provided by internal documents of the organization.
Site news

08.10.2013 Model "Taxes LLC in 2013"

The purpose of the model: the calculation of the amount of taxes on inputs to the business entity (LLC, JSC , etc.) to compare the effectiveness of different systems of taxation in Russian Federation.

02.10.2013 Telecommuters: hiring, separate business unit and etc.

In the number 8 of journal "Accounting in tourism " from August 2013 AS-AUDIT experts examined the issues of labor relations of travel companies with remote workers.

19.09.2013 Bonuses, premiums and discounts as non-operating expenses, retrodiscount, other services.

In the article "Handbook of trends tax practice in respect of premiums, bonuses and rebates," the August issue (¹ 8, 2013) of the journal "Practical Tax Planning" AS-AUDIT experts examined issues related bonuses, premiums and discounts to the cost of recent changes in the regulation of the law.

12.09.2013 Factoring in tax planning

In the article "How to use factoring in tax planning effectively» September issue (¹ 9, 2013) of the journal "Practical Tax Planning" AS-AUDIT experts examined the benefits of factoring organizations to optimize risks.
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Useful to know

Benefit of audit

The rating authorities, when making field or cameral check, do not have to suggest an organization eliminating the mistakes found in bookkeeping or tax records. It is an independent auditor who can indicate the weak points in the organizational records while auditing, put forward rational proposals allowing to lower tax risks.


How often do you use audit, consulting, accounting, tax records?

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